Website Upgrade History

August 2013 - All New Comics 4.0

Full mobile support.  With fancy pants cell phones and futuristic "tablets" all the rage now, All New Comics jumped into the responsive web movement with a mobile support friendly new website (less than two years after our last update!).

As of August 2013, we were the only Canadian comics subscription website that was fully mobile friendly.

October 11, 2011 - All New Comics 3.0

A relaunch four years in the making. All New Comics launched a brand new website that was better designed, with a vastly improved subscriptions picker.  The new site was streamlined and cleaned up, and products were made much easier to search and find.

August 1, 2007 - Subscription Billing

The subscription tool was significantly overhauled to allow for automated billing directly through the website. All orders from selection to pull through billing are now tracked directly on the website.

April 16th, 2006 - All New Comics 2.0

This version included many of the learnings we had from the first version, and incorporated our all new Subscriptions tool which is the cornerstone of our business.

August 17th, 2005 - All New Comics 1.0

Website Launch! The site started out with a very basic front page promoting news stories about comics. A few weeks later we launched an online store, but the news and the store were separate areas of the site. Looking at the site we realized some pretty glaring omissions. The site while clean, felt disconnected.

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